Post Five
By Ricardo
I can’t believe it’s here! After all of the work and excitement, it’s finally opening night of The Two Gentlemen of Verona.
It’s hard to believe that we started rehearsals over a month ago. Looking back, I’ve learned so much while having a lot of fun. I had no idea what was in store for me when I was accepted as a member of the Apprentice Company. This is my first time experiencing this magnitude of theater. Everyone always brings their “A-game.” We have amazing directors, stage managers, sound engineers, musicians, actors, and lighting directors. Not to mention the people in the audience, many of whom I became familiar with last week at opening night of The Merry Wives of Windsor – they’re great.
The past two weeks have been especially intense. With school starting, we’ve had very long days. The Apprentice Company has really bonded during this time, and we have helped each other make it through. We are a family now, and I’m happy that I have gotten to know everyone. I’m dreading the time when we must part on September 9 because we have grown so much together.
This summer has been one of the best summers of my life. I don’t know how I’ve learned so much in such a little time. Between learning how to juggle, Shakespeare monologues, clowning, and admiring professional actors, the summer has gone by so fast.
Opening night is tonight! We are super-excited. Neither long hours, nor 110-degree heat can stop us...FOR WE ARE APCO ‘07!